Have you ever noticed how many things are available to do with the family when you have no extra funds to do them? And if you happen to have the funds, there doesn't seem to be as much to do in the community? Kinda Murphy's law of finances. That's the situation my family and I find ourselves in now. I should be looking on the positive side and recognizing that if we used credit cards then we would probably be tempted to pay dor outings we couldn't truly afford and digging a hole of debt that sinks so many. We don't use credit cards (debit only) and so we pay as we go and if we don't have it, then we don't go. I'm glad that dh and I have made the choices we have because I am a weakling and would probably use the cards and give into temptations. Not having the option removes the choice. Thanks Lord!
So, what a poor family to do for fun? How about some family game time or movie time! Popcorn and snuggling sounds good!! We won't make the fashionable events in town this week but we will make some valuable family time none the less and hopefully some good memories along the way!! Enjoy the family and your weekend!!
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