Tuesday, June 12, 2007

All is Well

The kids are done with school and today should be my last day barring any last minute IEP meetings or unexpected parent calls. We have plans to leave for NJ on Friday to attend a graduation party for my 17 year old cousin who somehow was only 8 yesterday! How does that happen? After a day or two there, we leave for Philadelphia where my son will have follow-up treatment with the Specialists in Wills Eye Hospital. He had his (L) eye removed last Christmas and we need to ensure the health of his socket and also have his prosthetic eye adjusted since he's growing like a weed.

As a therapist, I've always been the one to encourage and work with families dealing with cancer, head-trauma, stroke, spinal cord injuries, etc and it was a real blow when all of sudden I became the Patent's family and was on the other side of the fence. That's the way it was when my son was 2 and we were told he had cancer and tumors of the eye. The docs were wrong. The specialists in PA told us that his tumors were non-malignant but did all the damage of the malignant one and that he was blind in that eye and would probably have to have his eye removed in time. Well, he's about to turn 8 and he's done great with his "new eye" and even uses it for "show and tell" in school! He's a great kid and such a blessing from the Lord!! We know how merciful God has been to us throught all this and we meet the most incredible folks when we go to PA. We try to stay at Ronald McDonald House and the other families there bond with each other in a way that can't be described. Please keep us and these families in pray as we all do our best for our kids and pray for good reports too! Thanks! Love having the company!!

1 comment:

Annie said...

Thanks for visiting my blog.

What an experience, and how wonderful that your son has taken the situation and made the best of it.

We bonded with so many families during our experience in the hospitals and many therapists as well. I have so many 'new' friends.

Hope your day is blessed.
