Thursday, June 14, 2007

It's Here!!

It's officially Summer Break for the family-yoo-hoo!!! After getting a pedicure (Mother's Day gift from DH) and doing some shopping, the kids and I visited our County Library. We are living in a rural area that is quickly growing, however, for now, our nearest library is about a 40 minute drive away. After reading some blog-sites I was prepared with authors' names and book titles. Out of my list of 6 I was able to get 2 of the books I wanted. Let me tell you, James Patterson's book "Suzanne's Diary to Nicholas" is a great read!! I haven't been able to put it down and I'm halfway through in only one afternoon of reading. I highly recommend it!

So this is how the first day of break is going and it's a terrific start. Today I have laundry, packing, and getting ready for our 7 hour ride to NJ tomorrow and Philly on Sunday. Have a great day everyone!!

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