Monday, May 14, 2007

A New Day Dawns

I hope all the Moms out there had a wonderful Mother's Day...mine was! Treats, gifts, lounging in jammies, good movies, popcorn, cuddle time, and a meal planned, prepared, cooked and cleaned-up by DH with an awesome dessert to top it all off. Who could ask for more? It's a good thing Mother's Day is only once a year because I could get pretty use to that kind of living!!

I'm in the middle of a Jennifer Rothschild Bible Study on Faith. I wasn't aware until this study that Jennifer was blind. She uses her experience to parallel our faith in things unseen and to blindly lay down our struggles, concerns, and anxieties to our God who sees all and knows all. It's hard to let go of our control and to say "Lord you are my God and I give this thing to you" but without relinquishing our control, we can lose all control in all our circumstances. We can't surprise God, but oh how the daily living stuff can surprise and knock us off our path if we let it. My prayer today is that we "let go and let God". I hope you have a wonderful day and I am gonna try to do the same. Be a blessing to someone today.

1 comment:

Annie said...

Your prayers are a blessing ~ thank you!